
Oct 10, 20247 min read
Art & Culture & Being a Mennonite
Next week I will be speaking at Millar College of the Bible on Art and Culture, as you may know if you read my last blog post! I spent...
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Aug 14, 20244 min read
Hearing the voice of Jopie Huisman
During a recent trip to the Netherlands, I had the pleasure of visiting a museum of Jopie Huisman's art. His work touched my heart.
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Aug 9, 20243 min read
Moving Out, Moving Forward
My adult life has so far been arranged in four-year cycles. 2012-2016: the education years. I spent a year in Thailand with YWAM, then...
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Mar 21, 20243 min read
Calling for script editors!
I have just finished writing the script for my upcoming webcomic, "Journey of Faith." But writing ain't done until you throw your baby to...
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May 16, 20224 min read
Falling and falling into place
I'm a pretty big fan of the tiny house movement, and I thought I'd share one video about a tiny floating art studio that I particularly...
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Jan 7, 20224 min read
2021: An obligatory "Year in Review" blog post
It was nice looking back on 2021. It was a pretty good year, all told!
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